When we focus solely on our body and our breath we are of a pure physical moment. This is a trying to go deeper. To move under. To remember what it feels like to be everything. Movement of the body in these ways has been done for a myriad of years. I have never felt like I was doing a motion someone else has not already done. But I am doing it, so it has been done originally by me!
"The disciplines of integration are here expounded through experience, and are given to humanity for the exploration and recognition of that hidden part of man which is beyond awareness of the senses" (Iyengar, 1993)
That part of woman which is beyond the gross body is the woman I am looking for.
She is that big woman inside of me that knows no little woman.
I really feel that there is something larger going on. A divine inside.
It is about the desire to know more and to know that the world is so huge and contained within you. The "creative habit" is to practice these motions and try to find a deeper self. It is a "spiritual science." It takes discipline and a set of rules.
anusasanam//instructions and the base from which to cultivate one's ethical and spiritual life
I have always had an experience of extending outward. "You can't be neutral on a moving train." Writing is a cultivation of my ethical and spiritual life, but I have never fully cultivated this cultivation.